Prepping for Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here.  Time sure flies as you age !  Folks are busy buying and thawing out the turkeys, planning the feasts and doing all those needful preparations to observe Thanksgiving.  But as this holiday approaches, though, why not take a little time for an even better type of prepping for thanksgiving?  Why not spend some time on some good reflection on your blessings?  As a Christian, even when things are extremely trying there is always something for which we can be grateful when you set your mind to thinking on it.

Paul was winding down his brief letter to the Thessalonian believers when he wrote this gem, “In everything give thanks:  for this is the will in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1Thess.5:18).  How can you give thanks when you are ailing physically, or you are struggling to pay the bills, or you have experienced a tragic loss of some kind?    One thing that helps us with this is understanding the apostle wrote this as a command and one in the Greek present tense  conveying it is to be characteristic in our lives.  But we don’t come by such thinking on our own, we need “outside” help, if you will !  We tend to focus on the negative things staring us down in life’s experiences and we need a nobler look, a perspective that looks at the silver lining for it IS there and we must think on that and in doing so we can become truly thankful in everything. God will see you through !

Paul goes on to say that to fixate otherwise and not be grateful is not good for us nor can it glorify God for it is not His will for you !  But to learn to be thankful (and it is a learned process) you are complying with His wishes and staving off depression, discouragement, and drawing folks to Christ with such a mindset for this will certainly draw the attention of others around you.  So take a moment today to mentally note some blessings in your life and you may find yourself very surprised, very uplifted and very grateful for what God has done !!

Heavenly Hope

I thought I’d share something I just learned from another preacher friend of mine who lost his son last year to cancer. His son was only in his early twenties and had fought a valiant fight against the disease  but in the process of the chemo and radiation his good lung was damaged and the other one was cancerous. Needless to say his days here were numbered once both lungs were affected so. But as my friend watched his son pass that day he told me his son was sitting in a chair and the last thing he did was to reach out his arms and he said, “I see a lot of people and houses !” and with that he breathed his last breath and slipped off into eternity.   My grandfather, who I had the privilege to lead to Christ, also beckoned with his arms before he passed away also.   Wouldn’t it be something that we could see while we are here what they saw right before they went home to be with their Savior?

Not long before Jesus knew He was to be crucified He told His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God; believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for YOU.” (Jn.14:1-2).   Some would conclude such folks then are delusional, heavily medicated, etc. but in both instances these men were neither.   And the clincher is Jesus Himself describes heaven as filled with such places or mansions !      Do you worry about death?  Do you wonder about those who have passed on already? If you are truly born again, such questions can be alleviated and answered by Jesus’ words (even above human accounts of imminent death experiences) !!

Note the Lord’s precious words at the end of verse 2″ “I go to prepare a place for YOU” !  Isn’t that encouraging?!  He knows you very well, He has the place all decked out in heavenly style !!  There awaits the child of God an eternal bliss no earthly dwelling can even compare to.  The famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright would be in total awe.  So as you trudge through life today keep doing what He wants as long as He wants you here but bear in mind there is something wonderful in store in your future thanks to our Savior !!

What’s the Use?

Today is election day in Pennsylvania.  I know some Christians feel what’s the use,  what difference will it really make with so many people voting not attuned to the facts?!  And then once many of the people get elected they get power drunk and abuse their offices.  So it’s easy to become cynical and jaded about the entire process !       I was telling our church just this past Sunday that I heard a parent trying to deal with that same attitude in her teenager who is now voting age.  But God reminded me of a verse that we need to hold dear not just in reference to politics but in any area of endeavor God allows for us to do and we start to conclude “what’s the use?” . It is Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due  we shall reap if we faint not.” ”   It is a simple and straightforward maxim but loaded with a wealth of hope !  Let’s “dissect” it for a moment and apply it to us today !!

Paul begins with “let us” inferring not one person is exempt at times from feeling “what’s the use?”  so he challenges and urges EACH reader to the mindset espoused here.   Things may be going well lately but in this world, invariably, they won’t. You will “sow” only to see a “weed” sprout !  But stay at it !  Which is why he continues with the admonition to not “be weary”.   At times we will get so but we must take heart for where God promises, there is hope ! So we must keep plodding along, but in what ? In “well doing” !   If you sow a row of peas, some may not  “take” but normally most will !!  Placing those seeds in decent soil, watering, fertilizing, allowing for time and sunshine and soon you have a crop of exactly what you have planted. So if you keep doing “well” or what is in accord with God’s Word you CAN expect in time a GOOD harvest !  God promises this !!!  In due season we SHALL reap, but with the caveat that you don’t get weary or as Paul says “if we faint not”.  That is the condition and if fulfilled the God of all the universe says this is what you can bank on my friend !

Have you been plugging along in some service for Him and not seeing much from it?  Have you been applying His Word in some way only to see less than stellar results ?  Are things trying at work or in a relationship yet you know you are doing as God has commanded?  Well, stay at it and in time you will look back not only seeing a great harvest but learning some valuable lessons along the way as well !  What’s the use?  God is using you in His grand plan, so stay at it !!


Silver linings from the Lord

It is fascinating to see the Lord really at work, isn’t it?   My father is terminally ill and has desired to live his last days at home as long as possible.  He has  three granddaughters who are either nurses or training to be.  All of them have helped care for him at this crucial time.  And I was able to be with one of these nieces a good bit recently and she was telling me of the great many things her grandfather has been needing and experiencing lately that she has just been learning about at  college !  I  told her she is a “God-send”,  He has been preparing her to help one of His children near the end of his life here.  So we marveled for a bit at this.  Sometimes we are so fixated on the trial we don’t often see the hand of God at work.

God knows exactly what you need and when you need it and certainly if we look with “spiritual eyes” we will see this.  We see this in the Bible, we see this in our time too.   Hagar had been mistreated by her mistress, Sarah in Gen.21 and when finally banished and thought she was about to die, it was the Lord Who provided what was needed.  When Elijah in 1 Kings 19 fled from wicked queen Jezebel it was the Lord Who fed and cared for him. When things look dicey and you don’t know how you will go on just remember the Lord is real, He is aware of your needs, He is able !! Call out to Him, trust His Word, look for His mighty loving hand at work !!!

Make an Angel happy today !

I have to say that last night’s Bible study was very encouraging to me in many ways.  God has a way of doing this just when you need it, doesn’t He?  We began a brand new class on something I haven’t delved into with much depth in my ministry yet but have been much fascinated about and that is the study of angels !

So we got into precisely what angels are like and covered things like the fact that they are spirit beings (yet with bodies), they are unmarriageable as Jesus stated to the unbelieving Sadducees in Matt.22:30, and they are powerful, highly intelligent and very definitely evidence many of the personality traits we have received from the Lord such as will, emotions, and intellect.    As we continue this intriguing study in the weeks ahead in our church I’m looking forward to further great discussion and questions from our class.   But I started last evening by asking them what questions they have always had about angels and would like answers to.  Some were very interesting, most have their answers in Scripture (if one is willing to dig for them) and some we have no revealed info from God in the Bible. For those we must be content to leave with God as He knows best what we should know and what we shouldn’t for now  (Dt.29:29) !!

One thing that was very encouraging was an evident thirst amongst the folks to know truth !  And to see them think, discussing Scripture and marveling at our Lord and these holy servants called angels.   One of the pertinent applications brought out was the very meaning of the word angel in both Testaments (malak in Hebrew, angelos in Greek both mean messenger). They indeed are seen so in the Word of God as Gabriel delivered vital messages to Daniel, Zacharias, Elizabeth and Mary.   And how, like them, we too should be serious about delivering God’s message to our world in the gospel.    How they must wonder in awe why we do not when it is precisely this message which can change the heart of the sinner and bring him peace and joy untold ! And make a difference for good in this dark world in which we live and have the privilege to minister for Christ.    So today, take a cue from these heavenly messengers and share the everlasting gospel with some soul, for when you do the angels in heaven rejoice !  “In the same way, I tell you, there is JOY in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  Lk.15:10.  Make an angel happy today !!  YOU can !!


An Amazing History Lesson !

Last week I got to spend a few days with the wife on a mini-vacation. We both love to go to Virginia as it’s not that far away and there is so much to see especially if you appreciate our great American heritage.  So we went to see Yorktown for the first time. If you don’t know, this is where George Washington bested Cornwallis (the British commander) and secured for us our independence.  We plopped in a CD and did an “auto tour” of the battlefield area  which was fascinating but even more impressive were the lessons taught in the film at the “Victory Center” before our tour.

Months before Cornwallis had beaten an American commander, ironically named Lincoln, a good deal south of Yorktown. In doing so, he did not afford his foe the customary and polite gesture of surrender terms with honor.  Cornwallis was not a gracious winner !   Fast forward to Yorktown though and this same English general was now bragging if Washington (who was encamped near New York City ) should come to Yorktown he would be ready for good ole George and would be amply supplied in this port city by the British navy sitting offshore.  However, as Washington liked to refer to God as “Providence”, Providence would teach the venerated (to the Brits) Cornwallis a lesson in humility and reinforce in American minds the power of God and the need to rely upon Him for victory.

Washington was in a dilemma. Should he proceed to Yorktown or stay put?  But when he received a message that the French were able to sail to Yorktown and engage the British fleet, the “Father of our Country” immediately pulled up stakes and stealthily marched his men to Virginia. He left tents in their places to fool the enemy in New York that they were still present and under cover of darkness began to move his troops south much like the wisdom of Old Testament “generals” (Gideon, Joshua, & David).    As he arrived ahead of his army, he bravely stood in range of English gunners while he surveyed the area truly believing “Providence” would protect him. Then the army arrived and began battle preparations and started the shelling of the enemy. When Cornwallis knew he was entrapped he ordered his men in small boats to a safe retreat however “Providence” took care of two details: (1) The French ships had won a victory at sea sending any British ones remaining, hightailing it back to New York  (thus no supplies or protection for the Brits)  (2) The small boats were dealt with by means of a “sudden” storm on the bay sinking or else returning those fleeing back to Yorktown !

At the end, Cornwallis was forced to admit defeat and as negotiations ensued for terms of surrender they were stalled a good deal that night because Washington refused to budge and comply with Cornwallis’ insistence on the same terms of honor he’d refused Lincoln just months before. Guess who Washington had directly under his command in Yorktown? Yep, Lincoln !  He was afforded justice by “Providence” just as you will be when you suffer injustice and still do right !   And old Cornwallis, he sent a message to the Americans that he was “sick” and could not attend the formal surrender ceremony, an ungrateful winner and loser !   History can teach us so much for it is really HIS-story!   God works in the affairs of men, He is unfolding His plan. And He is right now, TODAY, in YOUR life too. Just look for the hand of “Providence” for it’s there and He will always do right by YOU !!

Motor On !

Don’t be fooled by the outside !   Last week in visiting with my folks Dad wanted me to look at a potential acquisition. He had seen a car and liked how it looked and wanted me to come back with him and check it out.   As we looked at this nearly twenty year old car, I couldn’t see any marks on the exterior, it was an expensive car when it was first built, and looked to have been kept in good condition, and the asking price seemed reasonable.  So I asked the owners if we could start it up.  That is when it was obvious something was not quite right, it rattled chronically once it started !  Needless to say it was “no deal” as it was crystal clear it needed some engine work, the inside was not quite right !

For many of us who are saved that is sometimes the case with us.  We learn how to appear spiritual, to say the right things at the right time.  We go through the motions in our church, we may tithe, serve, etc. But inside things need a “tune up”, if you will.   Jesus put His pulse on the knocking in the Pharisees’  “engines” when He stated they were as “whited sepulchres”.  They had really let things go spiritually, yet they were sure to keep up appearances and provide a semblance of respectability (or so they thought).  But He knew their inner thoughts and He does ours too. We may not be in as rough a shape as those hypocrites of Jesus’s day but at times we can let slide the working of the Spirit upon ours to renew us daily. We do well to heed Paul’s words (a great prayer actually) to the Ephesians when he wrote, “. . . that He would grant to you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might BY HIS SPIRIT IN THE INNER MAN. . . that ye might be FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD. [Eph.3:16-19].

Sometimes we allow bitterness to go unchecked by refusing to forgive someone, or we get into a pattern of negativity in our attitudes due to underexposure to the Word, or we get weary of doing so much for Christ and seeing others not and we become as Martha carping on the Marys around us rather choosing that one thing which is needful for us,  fellowship with and worship of  Christ. Fellowship can be lost so easily, fortunately its only a “tuneup” away too !   So today’s a new day, make sure your “engine is purring” spiritually !!

Reach out, Ambassador !!

Outreach, its something God wants us to be involved in for He left us a Great Commission (Matt.28:18-20).   I was telling our church just last evening to pray for our outreach through a local newspaper (The Valley) which covers quite a lot of territory in our area.  God has opened up the door for some free press through it and so I have started to write some articles dealing with the book of Revelation.   The first issue will come out next month and can be read online as well as in the old fashioned hard copy.   Here’s the link if you want to see an issue of the paper:       So if you know someone in our area let them know of our church and our articles in this paper and help the cause of Christ !

But, outreach !  We should always be looking for opportunities to reach others for Christ for this is God’s passion. He died for us and loves the world and is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). Question is, is His passion yours?   What could you do to reach out to others?  Perhaps a start is to show some kindness to someone, or invite someone to your church this coming week.  Maybe you can hand them a gospel tract or share with them something God has shown you lately or how you came to Christ !    Asking God each day to help you to live by His strength so He can be seen through your life is also a powerful means of reaching out to the lost.  Paul wrote of our responsibility as believers in 2 Cor.5:20, “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ.  . .”.     An ambassador is an important and privileged position for our nation.  I remember not too many years ago when Shirley Temple was chosen as an ambassador for the USA to Ghana.   She was a wonderful choice to represent our country.  And God feels the same way about you to the unsaved !    You are His child if you are truly saved and so too are you His special envoy to a dying world.  Take this duty not lightly but seriously today and reach out to someone for Him !!

Amazing Grace

I met a very interesting individual recently who could play the piano masterfully !  He amazed us all who heard him by playing any selection we requested from classical pieces to great hymns and he played with incredible skill.  He played “How Great Thou Are” in a way I have never heard it before !!   His hands glided over the keys with such ease and grace that all who witness him were astounded.  Well, you may think, that’s great there are many such skilled musicians in our world. And you would be right, but not many with this man’s obstacles.  You see Ed, has some physical handicaps.  His body is contorted in a way that his head is in a downward position, kind of hunched over. And there is one other ailment Ed has that most accomplished pianists don’t have to contend with as they play. Ed is blind !!

I asked Ed has he been blind since birth, and being a witty man who chooses not to whine about his trials, he tried his best to raise his head to me to speak and said, “Ask the question another way!”   I wasn’t quite sure what he meant so he helped me out. “Ask me have I been blind all of my life.”  So I indulged him and asked him this question to which he pulled me into his trap and said, “No, only up until this point, my life isn’t over yet !!” We all had a good chuckle but it told me where he’s at with his physical situation.  Like Fanny Crosby, who was blind and wrote many of our great hymns, Ed also chooses not to wallow  in his trials but make the most of what God has given him.    Ed plays all around the country,  and even teaches music. He plays hymns in his church and in the short time I was able to be around him I’m sure I can say he has been a huge inspiration to many who have known him.

What about you? You have trials I’m sure.  Will you like Ed and the great apostle Paul seek to allow God to use even them for His glory or will you whine and complain and fixate on them?   Even Paul had great trials in his life. Many believe what he prayed for God to remove from his life of the thorn in the flesh mentioned in 2 Cor.12 was to heal his eyes (which I believe were injuries incurred with his being stoned in Acts 14 at Lystra). So he prayed three times for the Lord to heal him (remember, God had used Paul many times to heal people of their physical ills) but the Lord said this to him, “My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  (vs.9).     I believe many times that is precisely why God brings us to ‘deep waters’:  to prompt us to trust His strength and grace and not trust ourselves. To shine through us and show others He is real and at work through our life !

There are still those in our day that you look at and wonder at the grace of God through their lives.  God wants that person to be YOU !  Oh it may not be that He wants you to have some nagging physical ailment or emotional distress, He simply wants to show a sinful world that He is very real and active in your life, Will you ask Him today to be a vessel for His grace?   Start the journey today if you haven’t already and if you have stay focused on Him letting Him work through you during trial or smooth sailing ! Remember you have an audience just as much as Ed !!

Witnessing an Adoption

Today was a very special day, we witnessed in our family a rare and incredible event, the adoption of our grandson Ty to our family. We all went to the courthouse in the afternoon and there were a great many family and friends to observe the proceedings for a legal adoption and then we posed for pictures and just celebrated over dinner.  Ty has been a wonderful young man and was saved his first summer with us, hearing the gospel and leaving me a message on night that he had prayed and  as he put it, “aksed  Jesus into his heart” !   And the signs of evidence have been there ever since, oh sure those others signs linger, ha, but there is a Christlikeness in him obvious to all who know him for any length of time.

The Bible says we too were adopted when we were born again, Paul wrote of adoption to the Romans, the Ephesians, and the Galatians. I want to single out one verse though in particular, Romans 8:23 which says, “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”   Now we were officially adopted when saved, placed into the family of God but here the venerable apostle uses the term to describe that longing the believer has for the day when our adoption will be completely realized and we see Christ and He gives us our glorified body at the time of the rapture !

For Ty, today, there was great anticipation then relief when the judge officially declared his entrance into our family as final, the parents being reminded this was to be a done deal and their agreeing to it.  With God also, there is no turning back on you once you trust Him as your Savior, no matter what sin you may commit even as a Christian !  He loves you as a perfect Father and there is no reneging on this contract with Him !! And one day we will all see just how serious He is when we greet His warm face and loving arms and see our glorified flawless body and enter heaven’s bliss forever more,  Yes, CHILD of GOD, you too are adopted !!!   WOW !!!